The integration of new tools and practices is an important step in our growth personally and professionally. Friends have shared their exploration and learning about Gene Keys, Plant Medicine, Osho Style Meditations, and Erotic Blueprints recently. I looked into all of these. It led me to ask:

If you study our astrological natal chart, does it help you understand your hidden motivations?

Does learning what enneagram you are and what enneagram your bestie is make a difference in your relationship?

Does having your human design body graph or a look at your Erotic Blueprint support your personal growth?

Is using plant medicine to journey a valuable way to open up your consciousness and release trauma?

The short answer to each of the questions above is yes.

The longer answer is that it depends.

More information sometimes is just that, more information. It can take time to integrate what you learn from each of these systems and practices. Truly, larger amounts of information does not always mean more wisdom. If our mind is overwhelmed or our heart too raw, how are we supposed to apply what we have learned to help us really?

More information is not always the answer. Sometimes it has the opposite effect desired. It might cause confusion instead of understanding. It might create a lot of second guessing instead of insight and confidence.

How well you hear and can interpret your intuition has HUGE and far-reaching impacts. Yes, it can simplify daily decisions like what gift to buy your best friend or which Airbnb will provide a great home away from home. It can also help you navigate your inner growth. Help you see the truth of who you are and from there choose what brings you the greatest joy. Plus, it helps you have greater insight into others. There is not an area of your life that intuition can’t positively impact.

Trust your intuition. Transform your life.

Removing the mystery of you trusting yourself and you having access to your inner wisdom is my passion. If you are a growth focused person, you might find yourself a bit buried by all the methods, tools, and practices you have learned. Time to pause and check in with yourself. Ask the following questions:

– How does my body feel about this tool or practice? (Like do you feel relaxed and peaceful or agitated and confused?)
– How does my mind feel about this tool or practice? (Like is your mind quiet or focused or racing around like Indy500?)
– How does my heart feel about this tool or practice? (Do I feel joy at the thought of practicing this? Do I feel worried?)

Curious how to more easily connect with intuition and it can improve every area of your life? Schedule a call.