Do you ever get frustrated with change? I don’t mean the ones that you create. You know a new haircut or finding a great new place to live or changing up the route you take on your walk. I mean those changes that you didn’t create.

Your manager decides that it is time to decrease days for telecommuting. It isn’t optional. Or.. you get your cholesterol checked. It is still too high and those lifestyle changes you made aren’t working. You have to now get on meds. Or… your spouse changes their morning routine and your alone time in the am disappears. You know the kinds of changes where you aren’t the ones who created them.

How can we lean into those kinds of changes?

Simple answer… Trust and curiosity.

Trusting yourself, the universe, the divine, or going with the flow of life requires releasing control. Believe me, giving up control is both a practice and a commitment. Remaining curious in the face of the unknown can feel daunting. However, when we persist in being attached to what was and is now no longer, it can, on one end, just be simply frustrating and, on the other end, create some serious pain and even big breakdowns. I have multiple times turned a potentially exciting time, into a time of worry and feeling confused.

In the early days of my business, 18+ years ago, I did Tarot readings. I was a psychic. Hello, I haven’t used that word to describe myself in a while. Those early days were pretty simple from a business perspective. No complex marketing strategy or an email list. I met people and handed out my biz cards and did metaphysical events. Clients came from friends, family, and my FB biz page. I did sessions at coffee shops or at people’s houses. At that point, I had been using Tarot for 13+ years. One day, a trusted intuitive told me that my beloved cards were a safety blanket. It was time to uplevel. Did I love that answer? Fuck no. I resisted the crap out of that message for a year.

Once I finally stopped resisting, a wild thing happened. The change became my choice. Did it make the change easy? No, not necessarily. The instant that I embraced it fully, though my fear dissipated.  Plus, from the space of curiosity and trust, my inner knowledge, clairvoyance (intuitive seeing), and clairaudience (intuitive hearing) were way louder. In resistance, all we can hear, see, and feel is our mind frick, the voices of other people’s real or imagined opinions, and our fear of making the wrong choice.

Is there anywhere in your life where you are resisting change? Distrusting yourself? Feeling attached or anxious about it? Has analysis paralysis showed up?

Try this:

For a moment, I invite you to let go of trying to figure it all out. Get some paper in front of you. Put one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly. Now breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Do this for 10 full breaths (or more if you are feeling really anxious about a change).

Be still and listen. What do you hear? Can you pick out the sounds? What direction are they coming from? Let yourself settle into your feet and feel your body. What sensations arise? Observe your thoughts but no need to follow them. Continue your slow breaths.

Open your eyes. What did you observe? How is your body feeling? Now I invite you to answer the following questions:

  • How could this change be a gift?
  • What new thing can you learn from this change?
  • Trusting that you are supported even if it isn’t obvious to you what could be your first action? What feels, looks, or sounds right to you?

Change in life is so constant, isn’t it? It is definitively something we can’t oust on. Our ability to stay in curiosity even about those changes we didn’t initiate allows us to hear our intuition and stay in a space of creation. A place of power to step into what we really desire even when that immediate change isn’t what we wanted.

Please share with me what insights you get after trying the practice.

May the changes coming your way be embraced with curiosity and trust.