Spirit Guides.

The beings who are here to support you, guide you, and help you fulfill your soul’s purpose.

Have you had the opportunity to meet your Spirit Guides?

No, but you would like to?
Yes, but don’t know how to utilize their support and would like to know how?

Way back in the day when I was a youngin, I had a teacher, Rosemary. She would host group meditations at her metaphysical bookstore, Kaleidoscope. One such Saturday morning, 10 of us sat in a circle. Some of us were sitting on the floor and some on pillows, while others were in chairs. We were guided into a deep meditation to open up to guidance from high vibration beings. I know this story is about to take a very WOO turn.

At the very end of the meditation, I saw this medium height, brown haired man with kind eyes. He told me his name was Daniel and that he would be supporting me on my journey. I LITERALLY had zero clue what that meant.

After meditation concluded, I asked the wise people in the room ‘who is Daniel and what did he mean by supporting me on my journey?’ Rosemary got really excited. She told me that Daniel was my guide. A spirit guide. My own personal wise man to help me understand my gifts and to connect to the divine.

In the beginning of my intuition journey, I was super resistant. My brain is really loud and smart. It preferred to make logical decisions. Once I met Daniel though, he would gently nudge me when I didn’t listen to my intuition. Sometimes his nudge was like a second voice in my head. Sometimes his nudge was a ripple across my shoulders, while other times his nudge was like someone shouting at me.

Now 29ish years later, I have had many guides. They have helped in literally every area of life. Sometimes they remind me that I am thinking too much like a human and to trust more. Sometimes they help me ask better questions so my guidance can come across clearer. Right now one of my guides, Oriah, is helping me open my heart to feel more love. He is my healer Spirit Guide plus he loves to help me play with fashion.

If you sometimes feel alone on your spiritual journey, the joy of Spirit Guides is knowing that you have a Spiritual Support Team who has your back.