We are given conflicting information, constantly.

Trust your emotions. NO don’t. They are just chemical reactions.

Trust your brain. NO don’t. It is just neurons firing. You aren’t your brain.

Trust your body. NO don’t. Trauma is stored there, so you might be listening to trauma instead of what your body actually wants.

How the heck do we tell what is up? How do we know what we can trust?

Listen, you can trust your intuition. However, it can be confusing to know or be able to decipher what is intuition versus just those quirky chemical reactions, neurons firing, or trauma. Intuition isn’t our emotions. It isn’t our brain. It isn’t our body either. But…

Does it show up as a change in our mood based on intuitive awareness? Yes.

Are the thoughts that float in sometimes intuitive messages? Yep.

Is the physical reaction happening in your body like a tight stomach or sudden headache a response to intuitive information? Yep.

Our bodies are brilliantly wise. They have been literally designed to be the conduit for energy and the place where our intuition arises. All that you need are good tools so you can effectively and sometimes even easily decipher what your intuition is trying to communicate. Aka translation.