Been needing some insight? Intuitive journaling is a great tool. It has helped me to connect to my inner wisdom many times over the years. Essentially it is writing in a journal after you have asked a very clear open-ended question. To receive insight, you have to first take the time to focus and get quiet. The action of writing gives your brain something to focus on. Asking the specific yet open ended question helps you direct the power of your intuition more effectively.

Ready… Grab your pen and journal and find a place to get quiet for a moment. Begin with choosing an area of life that you would like to have guidance or insight in and then formulate a question.

Ready… Grab your pen and journal and find a place to get quiet for a moment. Begin with choosing an area of life that you would like to have guidance or insight in and then formulate a question.


  • Perhaps in 2022 you are focused on your health and well being. You could ask the question “What is the best way for me to release the habits or beliefs that are not helping my health and wellbeing?” OR “Where is the best place to begin shifting my health and wellbeing?”
  • Perhaps in 2022 you are focused on your relationship with your partner or spouse or relationships with friends. You could ask “What way can I deepen my relationship with ____?” OR “How can I show love and support to ____?”
  • Perhaps in 2022 you are focused on growth in your career or for your business. You could ask “What is the next step to grow in my [business or career]? OR “What is in the way of my growth?”
  • Perhaps you are focused in 2022 on having greater acceptance and love of yourself. You could ask “In 2022, what healing is there for me to do to love myself more?” OR “What is in the way of having greater acceptance of myself?”

After you have your question, go ahead, and write it on the top of a new page. Here is how I do this practice. Ask the question out loud. Write everything down that comes to you until nothing else comes. You might get images, sensations, words, or even a voice. Do your best to listen and capture whatever comes. Then repeat this process two more times with the same question. Why 3 times you might ask? Well, the first time you ask the question it tends to be a bit of what you already know and was on your mind. Second time you ask, your creativity starts to come on line. By the third time you ask, your curiosity gets stronger. Where your curiosity grows your intuition flows. Often when I do this practice, the initial question leads to deeper inquiry and repeating the process with more questions.

NOW… take a moment to sink in – to the body and sync up – with your inner wisdom.

Begin by connecting to your breath. Allow that focus to slow yourself down. Within yourself, call your energy back. Back from anywhere or anything else you have focused on today. Back to this current moment. Allowing your Body, Mind, and Spirit to acknowledge that there is nowhere to be and nothing else to do other than be Here and Doing this.

Inhale deeply through the nose. Exhale fully out of the mouth. Do 10 rounds of this breath. Hold the intention of being open to guidance and release any attachment or fear.

Now go for it. I would love to hear how this goes.