• Love is the most powerful forces in the universe. A largely untapped reserve of this force exists within you ready to be unleased. You ready to harness that power?
  • When we get overwhelmed or exhausted from only taking care of others, we can lose touch with ourselves and our hearts can slam shut. Are you ready to reconnect with yourself and your truth.
  • Connecting directly with Mother Earth we can each heal the planet. Not just in the actions we take each day but also by sending healing energy directly to where it is most needed on the planet.
  • If you need a reminder to be kind this isn’t for you. But if you need a reminder to honor your boundaries and permission to walk away this instant download is just for you.
  • If you need a reminder to be kind this isn’t for you. But if you need a reminder to honor your boundaries and permission to walk away this instant download is just for you.
  • If you need a reminder to be kind this isn’t for you. But if you need a reminder to honor your boundaries and permission to walk away this instant download is just for you.
  • The key to living intuitively is having a practice that allows you to ground yourself, get clear and and connect with your guides, spirit, God, the universe.  Download as a reminder to do these tasks daily.
  • You may not realize how much energy you have given to others until you realized that you are depleted. Are you ready to restore your sense of vitality and peacefulness? Enjoy the Golden Sun meditation and the rejuvenating power of taking time for yourself.
  • * Originally recorded live, this course is now available for download.  Attendee questions included and answered in recording. * I have been working and studying the Tarot for 23 years. I have owned dozens of decks. Even given away dozens of decks as well. Currently, I have 8 decks that I love and use regularly. Teaching intuitive development daily, I have noticed a trend with those who use Tarot. There is a reliance on the informational books that come with the decks. There is nothing inherently wrong with those books. They are actually useful reference material and important study guides. However, Tarot can be used as a powerful extension of our intuition and a stepping off point for spiritual development. Relying on the books can create a habit of not trusting your initial read of the cards. Furthermore, you may not even realize that a very deep relationship with the wisdom of our decks and our spiritual gifts is possible. So... Instead of deepening our relationship and trust with intuition, I see people being confused about what the cards mean. So then instead of clarity and support, they create doubt and frustration. This class is for you if: *You have a deck(s) but aren’t comfortable with how to use them as a intuitive tool *You love Tarot but can’t seem to 'not' consult the book when you pull cards *You been reading cards for a while and are curious how to deepen your skill This class will help you:
    • Deepen connection with your intuition
    • Deepen connection with your Tarot deck
    • Learn to do intuitive readings for yourself with 1-3 cards
    • Create a practice to tap in with Tarot so you can let go of the book
    The tuition for the course includes: 75-minute course and a downloadable PDF "Tarot Basic".
  • Within our bodies are wheels of energy called chakras. When they are open and in alignment, we have access to presence, pleasure, freedom, love, expression, vision and true connection to all that is.
  • There is no one else on the planet like you. No one else with your unique set of skills and experiences. Please display this proudly just as you proudly get to be you!
  • The hall of Akashic records holds the information from every life you have ever lived. You can learn your purpose on the planet in this life or what lessons you learned in another lifetime. Be ready for insights and awakenings.


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