• Essential oils in Crown Chakra blend are Lemon, Frankincese, Rosemary and Roman Chamomile in a base of Organic Fractionated Coconut Oil. Purple Amethyst has been added to bring contentment and deeper connection to your intuition. TO USE: Apply oil onto palms and inhale deeply. Read the included mantra aloud ten times.  Repeat daily or more if you need it.
  • Essential oils in Root Chakra blend are Clary Sage, Vetiver, Frankincense, and Basil in a base of Organic Fractionated Coconut Oil. Red Jasper has been added to support you in balancing body, mind, emotions and spirit. To be grounded. TO USE: Apply oil onto palms and inhale deeply. Read the included mantra aloud ten times.  Repeat daily or more if you need it.
  • Essential oils in Third Eye Chakra blend are Lemon grass, clary sage and lavendar in a base of Organic Fractionated Coconut Oil. Clear Quartz has been added to align your thoughts, feelings and consciousness. TO USE: Apply oil onto palms and inhale deeply. Read the included mantra aloud ten times.  Repeat daily or more if you need it.
  • Essential oils in Throat Chakra blend are Lavendar, Frankincense and Citrus Blend in a base of Organic Fractionated Coconut Oil. Sodalite has been added to support you to speak your truth. TO USE: Apply oil onto palms and inhale deeply. Read the included mantra aloud ten times.  Repeat daily or more if you need it.
  • Essential oils in Sacral Chakra blend are Grapefruit, Cypress, Black Pepper, and Tangerine in a base of Organic Fractionated Coconut Oil. Orange Carnelian has been added to aid in emotional healing and awaken to joy. TO USE: Apply oil onto palms and inhale deeply. Read the included mantra aloud ten times. Repeat daily, or more, if you need it.
  • Essential oils in Sacral Chakra blend are Grapefruit, Cypress, Black Pepper, and Tangerine in a base of Organic Fractionated Coconut Oil. Orange Carnelian has been added to aid in emotional healing and awaken to joy. TO USE: Apply oil onto palms and inhale deeply. Read the included mantra aloud ten times. Repeat daily, or more, if you need it.
  • Essential oils in Heart Chakra blend are Rose, Ylang Ylang, Peppermint, Lime and Geranium in a base of Organic Fractionated Coconut Oil. Green Aventurine has been added to clear and activate your heart chakra. TO USE: Apply oil onto palms and inhale deeply. Read the included mantra aloud ten times.  Repeat daily or more if you need it.
  • Love is the most powerful forces in the universe. A largely untapped reserve of this force exists within you ready to be unleased. You ready to harness that power?
  • Your intuition is sparked by all that you observe around you. The more observant and present you become the clearer you will recognize your intuition. If you have been trying to deepen your ability to use your intuition, the observation meditation can help.
  • You may not know it, but you have a team of spirit guides. Beings in non-corporal form who are ready to support you. If you have ever wanted to meet one or all of your guides, this meditation will help you.


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