Have you been feeling overwhelmed?


Upset by the news?

Frustrated by people?

Not connected to what is good in life?

You are not alone. Really. I have a rebellious, stubborn girl within. She resists doing things she doesn’t want to do. Can you relate? When the news of the world seems only like the bad kind or I am stuck in my head or feeling reactive (emotionally or otherwise), I find that my practices for connecting with my spirit become vitally important.

If you are ready to be excited about Spring coming or go back to sleeping all the way through the night or stop resisting the To-Do list, I invite you to try this meditation. I offer it as a gift to you. It is simply a practice for Surrendering To Gratitude.

Give it a try. If it works for you keep practicing. If you love it, please share it with a friend or colleague.

Click HERE to listen to the Surrender to Gratitude meditation.

Ultimately, I hope you give yourself permission to be however you are. You can be sad and worried about Ukraine AND still embrace the parts of your life that you love at the same time. Concern, caring, joy and enjoyment need not exist separately from each other. Being human is complex and it is okay.

I am sending you big love!!