• The hall of Akashic records holds the information from every life you have ever lived. You can learn your purpose on the planet in this life or what lessons you learned in another lifetime. Be ready for insights and awakenings.
  • Connecting directly with Mother Earth we can each heal the planet. Not just in the actions we take each day but also by sending healing energy directly to where it is most needed on the planet.
  • When we get overwhelmed or exhausted from only taking care of others, we can lose touch with ourselves and our hearts can slam shut. Are you ready to reconnect with yourself and your truth.
  • If you have been struggling to have a clear picture of what your life could be like in alignment with your highest and best, try this visioning the future meditation. Don’t be afraid to open yourself up to the future you truly desire. Allow yourself to see and experience now.
  • You may not realize how much energy you have given to others until you realized that you are depleted. Are you ready to restore your sense of vitality and peacefulness? Enjoy the Golden Sun meditation and the rejuvenating power of taking time for yourself.
  • You may not know it, but you have a team of spirit guides. Beings in non-corporal form who are ready to support you. If you have ever wanted to meet one or all of your guides, this meditation will help you.
  • Your intuition is sparked by all that you observe around you. The more observant and present you become the clearer you will recognize your intuition. If you have been trying to deepen your ability to use your intuition, the observation meditation can help.
  • Love is the most powerful forces in the universe. A largely untapped reserve of this force exists within you ready to be unleased. You ready to harness that power?
  • Know you want "all" of Shoshanna's recorded meditations right now?  Purchase the 11 current meditations listed on the website for one low price (you will get access to a Google Drive folder to download the individual sessions).  This represents a 28% discount off the "rack" price.
  • Take a few minutes to do the 5 Senses Meditation. Plant your feet firmly on the ground, open your arms and look straight ahead with your eyes wide open - using your eyes look around the space you are in and see 5 things with your eyes.  Once complete take a deep breath in and out, and using your ears listen until you hear 4 distinct sounds, then breath in and out, and look inside for 3 things you feel in your body, then breath in and out, and using your nose smell the air until you can pick out 2 distinct smells, then breath in and out and moving your tongue in your mouth identify 1 thing you can taste and then breath in and out and then check.  You might find yourself more calm, more in your body. More ready to take on the world.
  • Sometimes you need a little motivation, and we have the right thing for you!  This digital download is "Vibes Don't Lie" and reminds us all to pay attention to our intuition and what it is wanting you to hear.
  • We work so hard to be perfect, or nearly perfect, or just have your sh*t together to show up and grow up, but is it possible that how you are just now today is whole, complete and perfect, right now? We say yes! Download this for that reminder of your already living breathing success story.


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