What if you had tools for building a deeply fulfilling and wildly successful life?
How would you approach challenges with clarity and deep insight in your corner?
What would happen if you could unlock your highest potential?
It’s all possible.
Simple Spirit training, coaching, and healing elevates all areas of your life so are
free to be exactly who you want to be.
Trust Your Intuition. Transform Your Life.

As a business leader, it’s important for me to stay clear in my mind and have the highest insight to make the best decisions. I tend to be skeptical about intuition, yet I have to say without a doubt that working with Shoshanna has made a remarkable positive impact professionally as well as personally. She has the uncanny ability to see right to the core of any obstacles I’m experiencing and reveal the hidden dynamics that have caused the blocks to greater success and fulfillment.
– Satyen Raja, Founder of WarriorSage.com Training

Shoshanna has exponentially expanded my leadership capabilities for my role in both the workplace and the nonprofit community. I have gone through year-long leadership programs, attended and benefitted from various curricula and methodology but nothing has honed my insights and transformed me the way working with Shoshanna has.
– Abby Skeans, Co-founder, The Pomona Society
The 30th Reunion (Pause Reflect Acknoweldge)
Recently, I went to my 30th high school reunion. It was a trip both down memory lane but also a wild revisiting of who I was but am no longer. Nostalgia can be a funny thing when we are not really missing who we were [...]
Resources for Your Personal Growth (Books)
What Resources Source Your Growth? On this path of personal growth there are a lot of resources. Classes, streaming information on a bunch of different platforms, therapists, coaches, healers, podcasts, and my personal favorite - books. The most important question to ask yourself is how [...]
Need to Let Sh*t Go
As a leader you are juggling all lot of things. Clients, staff, family, your personal needs, and your organization. Do you ever just feel stuck? You probably need to let some sh*t go? I love to share things that work for me and my clients. [...]