By Shoshanna French
Moving On and Letting Go
Sometimes it is time to Move On. No questions asked and no looking back. Could be time to let go of a relationship that is too heavy for us to carry into the future? It might be time to dismiss the rude, judgey [...]
Dear Human: Love thyself
Love Yourself Dear Human: Love thyself To be able to love others you must love yourself first. How many times have you heard that? Me 1,000s of times. I used to really believe it to be true, but [...]
Living Intuitively: The gift of awareness
I love watching the seasons change. In my neighborhood just a block from my house there are 60-year old elm trees lining a boulevard. They reflect the change in season outwardly. What do you think would be possible if you [...]
Do No Harm doesn’t mean…
Do No Harm (but take no shit) Sound harsh? I have discovered a recurring pattern about myself and many other spiritual people recently. It is a belief that "loving one another" has to look like being nice or accommodating or [...]
Exploring the Psychic Senses
How does your gift work? When I begin exploring my psychic abilities, I had a lot of help. I took a class on Tarot. I had a group of women that gave me books about the metaphysical world, intuition, astrology, [...]
We are All connected
We Are Connected! Have you ever had one of those days? You know the kind where it seems like every car on the highway is honking at you. Or you spill your entire delicious coffee drink in your lap. Or [...]
Living Intuitively – Practicing being present
Many people I meet would love to be like a Psychic. Able to do readings for others and have access to answers at any moment. Contrary to what many think though being a psychic isn't about being psychic. It is [...]
I LOVE Intuition
“Intuition is the highest form of intelligence, transcending all individual abilities and skills” ― Sylvia Clare I love intuition. It is really useful. I use it everyday. From knowing which route home will be fastest to understanding what my husband [...]
Debunking the myths of Self-Care
Are you busy? You step out of bed and already you are "multi-tasking". Taking a shower and planning your grocery list. Making breakfast while drinking your coffee while you scan email on your phone and referee your children. [...]
Deeper Meaning To Your Costume?
Happy Halloween I love Halloween! First thing this morning I saw a Zombie buying milk at 7-11. Then I saw a sexy kitten sipping her a latte (meow). A pilgrim served me lunch and my neighbor was painting her grandson’s [...]
7 Practical and Easy Steps to Engage Your Intuition
These 7 steps when practiced daily will have you connecting to your intuition easily! Step 1 - Pay attention to your first impressions. With intuition, first impressions are important. When you move to trying to figure things or people out, [...]
Clearing the Clutter and Giving Yourself Room To Create
Clearing out clutter is an important part of creating. It is actually a CRITICAL task for creating what you really want in your life to show up. In order to attract and have room for the new, you must first [...]