By Shoshanna French
Woo Woo in the Real World
Living in a technologically connected and fast paced world might seem incompatible or even at odds with ancient spiritual traditions. The mystical. I don’t think so though. Perhaps it is because I walk the path or journey of the Modern [...]
The Myth of Getting It All Done
A couple of years ago, I was sitting in terrible morning rush hour traffic . I had the window rolled down because it was a beautiful morning. There was a blue sky and a few fluffy clouds. Hundreds of others [...]
Chak-a, chak-a, chakras
I have come to learn, experience and now know that the entire universe is made of energy. Our thoughts. Our emotions. Our bodies. All the things around us and within us. At the core of the work I do is [...]
43 Ways to Self-Care – From Free to Luxurious
Self care has become such a buzz word in the general public. I know when I say it to clients that they sometimes groan. You might hear it and think to take good care of yourself right now is outside [...]
Did Spilling the Coffee Make You Grouchy?
What you focus on grows. Where is your focus? My focus for the last week has been on being tired. Due to all that I have on my plate personally and a long to do list for business, I was [...]
Toxic Vibes – Return that Crap
(Image by StockSnap from Pixabay) Have you ever been with someone or in a situation where you just feel yuck, but you aren't sure why? There are times when the energy of someone else can just seep and creep into you without [...]
Want to go far? Go Together. Get a team.
Common Question: How do you balance taking care of your business and the people who matter to you? The short answer - 1. I make sure I take care of myself first. 2. I contribute to others when I can [...]
The Vulnerability of Empathy (Sympathy Vs. Empathy)
I Thought I Knew the Difference Until She Cried Empathy versus Sympathy Yesterday, while I was on my daily walk, I was chatting with a friend. She was sharing her feelings about a situation at work that has been mega [...]
7 Steps to Creating A Meditation Practice
I have never heard someone say "I should do less meditation". But I have heard, I can't do it because... I fall asleep. My ___ [kids, work, phone etc.] interrupt me. I don't know what kind to do. I can't [...]
Just Breathe
Breath Practice to Clear Energy Every time you do a practice to cultivate your inner awareness make sure that you remove all potential distractions in your physical universe. Turn off your phone. Close your laptop. Close your door. If you [...]
Acknowledge Your Growth (aka take stock)
Taking Stock Journal Exercise Feel free to use this exercise anytime during the year. I find it especially helpful near end of year or project. You may be the same. For me the end of the year or even the [...]
At what age, did you stop wondering?
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